One thing you will notice if you are a regular in your local gym is that there are lots of ‘experts’ who will gladly offer you some advice and share some of their wisdom.
The problem is that many of these words of wisdom turn out to be completely false, and may actually hinder your progress rather than help you achieve your goals.
It’s the same on the internet because anyone can set up a website and posts some facts about exercise that they believe to be true. Therefore if enough people read these so-called facts about exercise and fitness, these myths can quickly spread until lots of people end up believing them.
So what are the most common myths about exercise?
Well here is an infographic that I have recently discovered online that lists 10 of the most common exercise myths:
I have heard many of these myths in my time, and broadly agree with the real facts associated with each one (although I personally like to drink a good quality protein shake after a workout that is full of protein, vitamins and amino acids because this is much more convenient that cooking a chicken or turkey breast and has always worked well for me).
For example, the myths about pulse monitors and calorie counters on exercise machines providing accurate information is one that I can definitely relate to because I have often found these to be completely inaccurate, even on many of the top commercial machines in the gym.
Similarly the myth about cardio being the only way to lose weight is another that many people believe to be true, but is not actually the case because there are compound exercises that you can do in the gym that can promote weight loss.
The most popular myth in this list, however, is arguably the one that says you can eat whatever you want if you work out regularly. I have heard many of my friends trot this one out many a time on a Friday or Saturday night when they have just finished a big drinking session and are just about to get stuck into a kebab, and it’s obviously complete nonsense.
Anyway it is worth paying attention to all of these exercise myths because they may just help you get better results from your workouts.
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