Benefits of Doing Squats
You will often see men performing squats with a really heavy barbell resting on their neck/shoulders, but the fact is that many women can benefit from performing squats on a regular basis without using a barbell or a set of dumbbells.
Of course weighted squats will always give you much better results, but bodyweight squats can also be hugely beneficial in many different ways, and can of course be performed anywhere.
For a start, they will obviously tone up your leg muscles such as your glutes and your quads, for example, and give you a firmer rounder bottom.
They will also promote fat-burning in the body and help to reveal your core abdominal muscles, whilst at the same time increasing the overall strength of both your upper and lower body.
Plus you should notice improvements in your posture if you perform this exercise regularly, and may well benefit from improved digestion, according to this article at This exercise is even said to be good for cellulite because it improves blood flow to your thighs.
So it really is worth including this exercise in your regular exercise routines, but if you are looking for some fast results, you might want to consider doing the 30 Day Squat Challenge because this has produced some excellent results for many people, as I will demonstrate later on in this article.
The Best 30 Day Squat Challenge
There are several variations online, but the intense 30 day challenge featured below is one of the most effective because it will push you hard, and will almost certainly leave your muscles aching.
It is designed to build up your core strength gradually, starting with 50 squats on day 1 and working your way up to 250 squats by day 30, and will hopefully give you some phenomenal results at the end of it all.
It might look daunting at first, but your body will get stronger as each day passes, and there are rest days every four days that will give your body a chance to rest and recuperate.
So why not join the thousands of women who have successfully tackled this challenge, and give it a try yourself?
30 Day Squat Challenge Results – Does It Work?
Nicki Gomez, a popular YouTuber, had a go at the exact same challenge herself with the exact same number of reps on each day, and she has produced this video where she talks about the whole experience and shows you the before and after results:
If you watch the video to the end, you will see that there are noticeable improvements after day 30 because she has stronger quads, bigger glutes and a fuller butt. Indeed she says herself that her legs are now a lot more toned and a lot smoother with less cellulite than before.
So this particular squat challenge definitely seems to work if you stick with it for the full 30 days.
An Alternative Squat Challenge For Beginners
If you try it out and find that it is too difficult, here is an alternative 30 day challenge that is more suitable for beginners because you will start off by doing 25 squats on day 1 and work your way up to 100 squats on the final day:
If you can successfully complete this one, you can then start working your way up to 250 reps using the previous challenge because your body and your legs in particular will be much stronger and much better equipped to get right to the end.
Before And After Photos
If you are still not convinced that these squat challenges actually work, here are some more before and after photos from women who have successfully completed the 30 day squat challenge:
If you have tried doing this challenge yourself, please leave a comment below and share your results.
Do you have to do each sets of squats all in one or go or can you break it down?
If you can’t manage to complete all of the reps in one go, then yes you can break them down and maybe spread them out over the day.
Doing all the squats all at once to challenges the muscle, pushing the muscle until they fatigue. The muscles in turn will heal and strengthen to accommodate the new demand on them.
Can i do 100 squarts each day up to day 30 without resting inbetween?
I have been doing squats but no change I’m so tired