Many people find it hard to keep in shape during the winter months because you cannot really do any outdoor activities such as cycling or running, for example, when it is raining or snowing, and it can be hard to motivate yourself to go to the gym when it is cold and wet outside.
So in this article I thought I would discuss six exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home without having to go outside and brave the harsh winter weather conditions.
1. Stair Climbs
Climbing stairs is one of the most effective cardio exercises you can do indoors because this will really give your legs a good workout, and will almost certainly leave you out of breath if you climb up and down your staircases over and over again.
This will help you burn a lot of calories in a short space of time, so it is a good way to lose weight, or at least stay in shape. If you don’t live in a two-storey house, you can simply use the stairs in your apartment block, for example,
2. Jogging / Jumping
If you want to work up a sweat indoors and get a good cardio workout, you can also do some jogging and jumping on the spot.
It is really easy to do this because you require very little space in your home, and although this might not sound that strenuous, it will really tire you out if you do this for long enough. Plus if you do exercises such as star jumps, for example, they can help to strengthen certain muscles.
3. Push Ups
If you are more interested in building muscle and toning certain muscle groups rather than keeping fit, there are certain exercises that you can do indoors without having to leave your home.
One of the all-time favorites is of course the push-up because this is one of the most effective exercises you can do if you want to build a bigger stronger chest and strengthen your tricep muscles.
4. Sit Ups / Crunches
If you want to strengthen your core and attempt to reveal your core abdominal muscles, then sit-ups and crunches are some of the best exercises you can do.
These can both be performed anywhere, so these too are ideal exercises to do at home when it’s too cold to go outside. You just need to make sure that you do enough cardio to get your body fat down because otherwise your abs will be hidden by a layer of fat no matter how many sit-ups or crunches you do.
5. Tricep Dips
I have already mentioned that the push-up is a great exercise to do if you want to develop your triceps, but another good exercise for your triceps is the tricep dip.
These can be performed between two strong kitchen chairs or between two work surfaces, for example, but you can also do them at the end of your bed, which is a lot safer.
6. Squats
Squats are one of the best all-round exercises you can do because they will really work your leg muscles and will help to burn fat at the same time. Indeed they will actually strengthen your whole body if they are done correctly.
These are best performed using dumbbells or barbells, but you can still do them at home without any weights. However I would suggest filling up a rucksack, for instance, or using some other household objects to add resistance.
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