If you are looking for a workout that will help you get that much sought after six-pack, you might want to check out Scott Herman’s latest video because he has come up with a simple but effective 12-minute workout that you can do at home using a set of light dumbbells.
This particular workout will target both your upper and lower abs, and will also develop your obliques as well.
As with all abs workouts, it will only be effective if you have a low body fat percentage to begin with because otherwise your abs will be hidden under a layer of fat.
However if are already fairly lean, this workout should produce some good results if it is performed 2-3 times per week:
As mentioned in the video, you should aim to do each exercise for 20 seconds, and do 4 rounds in total (giving yourself a 10-second rest between each exercise and a 10-second rest between each round).
Here is a guide to all of the exercises that are included in this workout:
Dumbbell Toe Touch (Right)
The first exercise requires you to lie down with your left heel slightly off the floor, and whilst holding a light dumbbell in your outstretched right arm, you should aim to bring your right hand and your left foot together to complete one rep.
The key here is to make sure your foot doesn’t touch the floor in order to make this exercise a little harder, and to ensure that you shoulder is touching the floor at the start off the movement and raised off the floor at the top of the movement.
Dumbbell Toe Touch (Left)
This is the exact same exercise except that you will be bringing your left hand to your right foot with every repetition. Once again you should be feeling it in your abs if you are performing this exercise correctly.
Reverse Crunch
The reverse crunch is s relatively simple exercise to perform because you simply need to lie on the floor with your hands behind your back and your heels slightly off the floor, and then bring your knees up to your chest.
The difficult part here is making sure that your heels don’t touch the floor, but if you can manage to do this, it will be a lot more effective.
Mountain Climbers
With the next exercise you should start off in a slightly elevated push-up position, and then drive your knees into your chest, one leg after the other, as if you were climbing up a mountain.
As each exercise is only 20 seconds in duration, you should aim to go as fast as possible with this particular mountain climber exercise in order to really work your lower abs muscles.
Standing Oblique Twist
You will need to use a light set of dumbbells for this next exercise because this one requires you to stand up straight and twist from left to right and from right to left with your arms out to the sides, holding a dumbbell in each hand.
The key here is to pinch your shoulder blades with each rep, and if you do this exercise correctly, you will find that this will really hit your obliques.
Russian Twist
The final exercise in this abs workout requires you to sit on the floor with your heels off the floor and twist your torso from side to side whilst holding a reasonably heavy dumbbell for greater contraction of the abs muscles.
To perform this move correctly, you should twist your torso one way whilst pushing both of your legs the other way, ensuring that your heels never touch the floor at any point.
Remember that this is just one round of exercises. You should complete four rounds in total to complete the full 12-minute workout, and for optimal results, you should do the whole workout 2-3 times per week.
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